Questions that Muslims dare not ask​​ (2nd group)
2- Allah says; "Nay, surely man transgresses" (96:6)
If Allah the 'All Knowing' knew that man is going to be a wrongdoer or a disbeliever , why did he not stop man from such a wrong act of which Allah already knew that its end result would be eternal punishment?
3- Allah says; " Created you, then shaped you, and then made you well-proportioned" (82:7)
Could anyone imagine that Allah the 'All-Perfect' creating something, then shaping it , then finally making it proper and well-proportioned? Allah suppose to produce things perfect at the first place, why three stages to get them perfect?
4- Allah says; "We have certainly created man in the best of stature, then we reverted him to the lowest of the low!"Why would Allah do such a thing if he is 'All-Perfect', 'Wise' and 'Just' ? A professional and a perfect designer , say an engineer or a sculpture, would never revert to the lowest of the low or destroy the best of his works unless there is a serious fault of the product he produced or he is mentally unstable? Allah, as he claimed, does not create faulty things and he supposed to be the 'Most Perfect' and the 'Most Wise'!
5- Allah says that Mohamed is the last or the seal of the prophets. This was 1400 years ago when Allah decided not to communicate with the human beings till the so-called Judgement Day! Why Allah decided to end all his revaluations and communications with mankind after sending some 25 prophets and made his decision at Mohamed's time? What did Allah saw special in Mohamed to make him the last prophet and the most successful, most beloved? Was Allah running a 'who is best' competition among his main twenty five prophets and Mohamed happened to be the winner? What about Noah who served Allah 950 years, surely he deserves to get the first credit?
6- How could Allah agree to Satan's request to come down to earth and seduce mankind to to be wrongdoers and disbelievers with Allah definite previous knowledge that Satan would manage to get billions of people ending in Allah's hell fire? Was it a wise and good decision of Allah to postpone Satan's punishment and let him mingle with people on earth? If so, what is the added value to Allah or to his poor creatures that had no saying in this matter ?
1- Mohamed says; "Evil omen is in the women, the house and the horse." (Bukhari hadith 5093)
Does such saying make sense and on what basis Mohamed has condemned the women to be bad luck or evil?