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Is Islam a divine religion?


What Muslim believe to be the only true God and the creator of all things, 

 the one that has ninety–nine names indicating his attributes and his functions!

Allah, amazingly, mentions his name 2,583 times in the Quran, emphasizing his being 'All-Powerful', 'All-Knowing', 'The Perfectly Wise', ''The Merciful', 'The Compassionate', 'The Just' and 'The Forgiving'.


You will find all the details on Allah's characters and functions in my book....


For reasons only known to him, Allah decided not to show himself until the so-called resurrection day!


Allah claims that he is totally independent, yet he has a massive entourage of angels to serve and worship him all the time. The most loyal servant of his angels is,,,,,,,,


​Allah, also advised that he will keep the following as top eight secrets!


Read about those secretes and what they entail in my book...


Allah has announced that he owns a massive heaven and the worst hell that can ever be imagined. Both are kept on standby to receive the righteous believers, the disbelievers, and the wrongdoers.  


Looking at Allah’s credentials, it is impossible to reconcile Allah's claim of perfect wisdom, mercy, and justice  with the following decrees that he already confirmed in his Quran:


  1. Sanctioning wives’ .....

  2. Allowing Muslim men to have sex with rape....

  3. Sending messengers and prophets ....

  4. Allowing Noah to preach unsuccessfully for 950....

  5. Denying Noah’s request to have mercy on ......

  6. Letting Mohamed, his most beloved creature, condemn...

  7. Letting Satan loose on .......

  8. His unfair punishment on those who do not ........

  9. Abolishing ............

  10. Sanctioning Mohamed’s........

  11. Allowing child marriage...

  12. Maintaining slavery....

  13. Getting furiously angry with ........

  14. Destroying the entire nation of ........ 

  15. Changing his mind, as and when .......

  16. Imposing the worst ........ 

  17. Assigning himself a fifth of ........

  18. Approving the killing of some 900 innocent......

  19. Giving Mohamed the privilege to .......

  20. Preventing Mohamed’s wives, all nine of them, from......

  21. Allowing Muslims to kill those ........​

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