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The book that reveals the hidden facts about Islam and its
powerful mind-control doctrine
What you should know about Allah, Mohamed and the Quran.
It gives you clear evidence that Islam is not of a divine source.
It shows the destructive results of religious brainwashing.
It exposes the turmoil that Muslim and Arab communities have been through for the last 1400 years
It highlights the corruption, oppression and injustice currently prevailing in the Islamic Arab World
It tells you why the Sharia Law is unsuitable for mankind and why Islam is not a religion of peace.
It will enable you to decide if any evidence of God’s existence holds true.
It provides evidence to show that our morality is not of a divine origin.
It guides you not to accept any evidence unless it complies with reason or is scientifically tested.
We need your support to help many innocents, mainly young people, become free from the mind-control and abuse of religious fanatics. My team and I are fully dedicated to helping in any way we can. We address the questions of those seeking the truth, we provide guidance to those who want to move forward in thinking freely and logically outside the box, and we offer as much counseling as possible to all those affected by religious brainwashing. All free of charge. Please show your support by downloading the e-book, order a printed copy or donate - every little helps. Thank you

Copyright © 2019 Ameer Al Sharawe. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author. Exception is granted in the case of teaching, raising awareness and publicising part or the complete book to highlight its objectives - Proper citation must be included. For permission requests, write to:
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