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See how many of these questions you can answer by using a Free Mind approach based on reason and common sense.  You may ask all those who claim to be an expert on the subject but, please do not accept any answer unless it is fully supported by any evidence that meets one of these criteria:

- It can comply with logic 

- It can be physically examined  


- It can be scientifically tested 

Here are your 3 questions ( 3rd group) that I will keep until 15 October 2019

Questions that Muslims dare not ask​​ (3rd group)

 1- Do you you know where the name 'Allah' came from ? Did the God of Islam chose it for himself, if so were there some names available so    he could have his favourite choice? If names existed before God, then where did they  come from? If the God of Islam did not chose his name

  then who gave him the name 'Allah' and on what basis he accepted such name ?

2- Allah says; "Had there been any gods in them other than Allah, they would surely have fallen apart!"(21:22). Is this not a clear statement that Allah have a problem in managing or controlling the world should a partner or an associate existed with him? If Allah claiming that he is 'All-Powerful' and capable of doing anything, then he should have said; "Allah had chosen to govern the world alone but had he chosen to have a partner or an associate then I 'Allah' is very much capable of managing them and keeping everything under control" 

3- Allah says; "And He taught Adam the Names, all of them; then presented them to the angels and said, ‘Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful.'"(2:31). There are six puzzling questions here:

- Why would Allah teach Adam names (what is the objective?), what are these names and in what language they were labelled?

- How did Allah teach these names to Adam, was it one-to-one session or by sheer inspiration? Where are the evidence of the method used?

- What language did Allah use to communicate with Adam and was Adam created literate to understand what Allah was telling him to learn?

- Why would Allah test his angels by asking them for the names' details knowing before hand they would not be able to answer?

- How come that Allah eventually got angry with his blessed and knowledgeable Adam to tell him off and asked him to leave Paradise? 

- If Allah claiming that he is the 'All-Knowing' and already knew that Adam would be a sinner, why did he trust him in the first place?

Go on, express your thoughts, say whatever you wish, we just ask you to be polite and courteous 
Your answer / feedback
Please choose one as your response

Thanks for submitting!

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